Following is a list of official and historical Club documents. Most are PDF files and you will need Adobe Reader on your computer to open them. See the Hike Schedule page for instructions on how to download a free copy of Adobe.
If you have a question regarding any of these documents, please email the webmaster.
Board Meeting Minutes and Financial Statements For board meetings after 10/1/2013
IHC Constitution Minor revision to bring Constitution in line with the way the Club was now conducting business was approved on September 12, 2020
Trail Blazers - 1968 to the present
IHC Brochure promotional handout printed in April, 2011 distributed to prospective new members
Duties of Board of Directors revised in February 2024, lists primary duties of elected and appointed board positions and other significant non-board roles
Summary of Key Board Decisions 2008-2023
IHC Hike Leader Index lists hikes by leader from January 2000 through the present
Club Song lyrics written by Win Pulsiver in 1976
IHC Officers Lists Club officers from 1957 to the present
50th Anniversary Letters and Proclamations testimonials signed by governor, mayor and US senator
65th Anniversary Book History of the IHC. Book was distributed to all members at 2021 Winter Banquet
65th Anniversary Proclamation Presented by Mayor Hogsett at 2021 Winter Banquet
Hike Leader Responsibilities during COVID-19 Pandemic
IHC Website DocumentationTechnical documentation relating to the website and Club processes
Following is a list of articles, essays and poems submitted by members for your enjoyment. Most are .pdf files.
If you would like to submit an article, please email the webmaster.
Walking With Ed poem written by Effie Lewin
Ticks - What Hikers Need to Know submitted by Mervin Cohen 4/21
Poem Honoring Nell Larrison poem written by David Kincaid
Poem Honoring Bill Larrison poem written by David Kincaid
Poem Honoring Glee Crowder Reaching 50000 Miles poem written by David Kincaid
Song Honoring Glee Crowder Reaching 50,000 Miles lyrics written by David Kincaid
Poem Honoring Jane Hilaire poem written by David Kincaid
Winning Soup Recipes Top three recipes from 11/02/2013 soup cook-off
Tom Patterson at St. Peter's Gate poem written by David Kincaid
Hiking is the "Edge" TV interview submitted by Joe Scherrer
Top ten reasons why you might be considering a 100K submitted by the Lame Bard
Anna Gehring is 80 years old poem submitted by the Lame Bard
Reflections on the 62 Mile hike submitted by the Lame Bard
Memory of Mary Lester's 80th Birthday Hike poem submitted by the Lame Bard
Easy Way to Remove Tics submitted by Cheryl Smolecki
Walking is Natural essay by Tom Kapostasy
Protect Indiana's Ash Trees DNR article submitted by Tom Kapostasy