
About Us

Hike Schedule

Future Events

How to Join


Mileage & Cancel Hikes

Archives & Articles

Achievement Awards

Logo Merchandise

Contact Us

Photo Gallery


Broadcast Emails

Club Member Memories

IHC Facebook Page

Website Index


We would appreciate hearing from you. Use one of the following email addresses to contact the appropriate Club officer. If you are unsure who to contact, contact Ed Wright at ewright@indyhike.org.

  • Want more information?
    If you would like more information about the Indianapolis Hiking Club, or are interested in publishing an article about our club, or if you wish us to participate in an event you are planning, please send an email to our Publicity Director Delaram Moghaddam at delbarluv@gmail.com.

  • Suggestions for improving the Club?
    If you have suggestions for improving the Indianapolis Hiking Club or if you would like to volunteer to be on the Board of Directors or a committee, please email our President Debbie Bucholz at debbiebucholz@hotmail.com.

  • Problems using this website?
    If you encounter problems using or with the content of this website or have suggestions for how we might improve it, please email Ed Wright at ewright@indyhike.org.

  • Recently move or change your phone number or email?
    To advise us of a new mailing address, phone number or email address, please email the new information to our Membership Officer Marti Burton at mjburton51@hotmail.com.

  • Need membership application?
    An application form may be printed from the forms page on this website or Marti Burton can mail you one. Contact Marti at mjburton51@hotmail.com.

  • If you have a question regarding the Hiking Schedule?
    If you would like to lead a hike or have a question regarding the hiking schedule, please contact Pathfinder Ed Wright at ewright@indyhike.org.

  • Stop/reinstate mailed schedule?
    If you wish to stop receiving a mailed hiking schedule (saves the Club money) or if you would like to reinstate the mailed schedule (will cost you a $10 surcharge), please contact Marti Burton at mjburton51@hotmail.com.

  • Mileage question?
    If you have a question about your hiking mileage, please contact our Mileage Officer John McShea at deaconjohn@stmonicaindy.org.

  • Broadcast Email Question?
    If you have a question about how and when it is appropiate to send or respond to a Broadcast email (Google Groups) please review the Broadcast Email link on this website or if you are not receiving or unable to send a Broadcast email (most likely because your email address changed) contact our Goggle Groups administrator Joan Griffitts at jkgriffitts@gmail.com.

  • Have a question regarding the Club's Facebook page?
    Click on the Facebook link on the home page to access the Club's Facebook page. If you have a question, problem using or a suggestion for improving our Facebook page, please contact our Electronic Media Director Phil Coons at pcoons@iu.edu.

  • Have a question about Club Logo Merchandise?
    Click on the Logo Merchandise link to inquire and purchase a variety of logo merchandise, including in-house store (currently sold out) and a third party vendor "Colored Threads". If you have a question that our online store vendor Colored Threads cannot answer, please contact Ed Wright at ewright@indyhike.org.